Friday, September 27, 2013

Now in a new Blogger post (titled "Results of Online Polls") answer the following questions in at least 2-4 sentences:

  1. Do you think the results are 100% accurate? Why or why not?
I think that they aren't completely correct because not everyone answered the questions. Also because some of the may not have even read them and just answered randomly. I also think that the results might not have been completely accurate because since they answered these questions while having friends beside them, then they might have been pressured by their friends to put something different that they might have not chosen if they were alone and not being observed.
  1. How much of an impact do you think the wording of the questions has on the answers you received?
I think it had a big impact. If it wouldn't have been worded so clearly then they wouldn't answer so well. With the wording I used, I know that they were able to comprehend what they were reading and answer the best possible way. If you don't use clear wording then people don't answer right because they don't fully understand the question
  1. Did you get the results you expected from your online polls? Why?
I got the results I expected because I knew several  people would choose specific options. I knew this because I know that some things are more common or popular than others. However, I also got results that I wouldn't have expected to hear because I though they were the least popular.
  1. If you wanted to do an online poll with the students of Technologico de Montorrey asking them how much time and effort they spent doing homework this year, what are the steps you would take to complete that online poll?
First I would come up withy questions. Then, I would create the poll using precise words and clear questions. I would use numbers like percentages and amounts. And finally, I would allow them to answer one by one so that they wouldn't copy their friends questions.
  1. Do you think online polling could help the administration of Tech de Montorrey find out more about their students? Or do you think that the results would not be accurate? Why or why not?
I think that to a certain point they would help. But also some people would get lazy if they were in a hurry or if the questions were too long. They wouldn't pay so much attention to the questions and just answer randomly because they would want to finish fast.
  1. How do you think the results of your polls would be different if you asked your classmates the questions in person?
I think that it would be different because they would answer better because they wouldn't be so lazy to answer like in a computer. They would also take more time into answering the question and be more honest while answering the question.
  1. In what ways do you think online polling using Google Spreadsheets can be improved? Or was it easier to create an online poll than you originally thought? Explain.
I think that it was easier to create a spreadsheet than I originally thought. It was very simple, fast and efficient. It is a great way of creating polls

Monday, September 16, 2013

Assignment 5
Watch the following video about working at Google.

Now you must do independent research to answer the following questions.

You must write 3-5 sentences for each response except for question 4 and 8.

1. In your own words describe how the workplace culture at Google encourages innovation and unique creations for the company? How does working at Google and the environment there affect its workers?

The workplace culture at Google encourages innovation and unique creations for the company by making work fun and different. Instead of having someone stressed, they try and make the workers feel as if they are at home or on vacation. This helps them be more creative and think outside the box. Working at google and the environment at google affects workers in a positive way, this makes them actually want to go to work, enjoy their time there, and get things done better and more efficiently.

2. How does employee freedom, like the 20% of free time Google encourages its employees to spend on any project they want, deliver better business?
This delivers better business because the employee is not so stressed. This helps the worker relax and get the job done well and more efficiently. They are able to enjoy great meals, relax, swim, etc. This makes the worker happy, and if the worker is happy then also the customer. This is why Google is the best page, because it keeps it workers happy. 

3. What are the requirements to work for Google? And what is different about the way they hire employees at Google?

The requirements for working at google are that you have to be creative, work at a fast pace, smart, and be a  team-oriented person who can get things done. They also interview differently and ask different things. This is not just a typical job interview! It't the Google interview! 

4. How many search queries does Google handle a day?

They handle about 5,134,000,000 per day. This is a very big number, and google is the most visited website in the U.S and maybe even in the world. It is incredible how much we use google in our daily life. Google is a tremendous help!

5. In your own words discuss how Google's constantly refined search algorithm changed the way we all access and even think about information.

Google's consistent refined algorithm helps us find things in a faster and more efficient way. It helps progress the system of searching things. It is a great way of helping people do research for projects, assignments, etc. This is why it is great.

6. Take a look at the following story about Google's top secret data center. Now why would Google want to keep its server room as a secret?

It would want to do this to keep their information a secret. It doesn't want anyone to know Google's secrets or ideas. This is why Google would do this. It is very important for Google. It is the main part of Google, it is everything.

7. What are the benefits of working as a Google employee?

The benefits of working at Google is the great environment and all the things they offer you. You can do your laundry, eat great food, sleep, swim, etc. They treat their employees well so that is why they get great results. A great part of Google is that they encourage their employees to be fun, creative and different. So that they can have new ideas.

8. Name at least 5 different positions at Google (ex: software engineer, Google tester, interaction designer) and describe what they do?

Sales leader
bilingual recruiting coordinator
field engineer
network engineer
product manager

9. Talk about at least 3 projects that Google is currently working on. What do they want to accomplish? How long will they take to complete?

current flu trends
crisis response
Google for nonprofits

10. Look at the following story about why recent college graduates should not work for Google. Why does the writer argue recent graduates should not work at Google?

 He believes Google spoils its employees and doesn't teach them to work properly. He thinks that since there are so many employees most of them don't even get considered or listened to.

11. How is Google the same or different than other search engines, like Yahoo or Bing?

It is different because it is teamed up with other major companies like Youtube so it has even more resources and it has more publicity than other search engines.

From "Our Culture at Google"

We strive to maintain the open culture often associated with startups, in which everyone is a hands-on contributor and feels comfortable sharing ideas and opinions. In our weekly all-hands (“TGIF”) meetings—not to mention over email or in the cafe—Googlers ask questions directly to Larry, Sergey and other execs about any number of company issues. Our offices and cafes are designed to encourage interactions between Googlers within and across teams, and to spark conversation about work as well as play.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Assignment 1

You must write in complete sentences.
Responses for questions 2 and 8 should be between 3-5 sentences long.

1.  Create an acrostic poem using your first name. So what you are going to do is use each letter in your name to create an adjective that describes you or use each letter to write something you like to do.
P- Pretty
A- Ambitious
U- Understanding
L- Laugh
I- Interesting
N- Nice
A-- Ambitious

Mr. Fierro's Example:

F - Funny
     I - Interesting
                         E - Enjoy watching sports
           R - Really like to
R - Read
                       O - Outstanding Blogger

2. What technologies do you use in your everyday life? Describe how and why you use the technologies you do.

I use my computer and my cellphone. I use my computer to do homework and do log in to my social network account. I use my phone to talk with friends, use the internet,

3. The ___System Unit____ is a case that holds the computer's critical components.

4. A(n) ___Workstation____ is a specialized, single-user computer that typically has more power than a standard PC.

5. A(n) ___Network Server___ is usually a powerful personal computer that functions as the primary computer in a network.

6. ____Mainframes____ are the most powerful computers made.

7. What does "PC" stand for?

Portable Computer

8. Research how computers play a crucial part in nearly every government agency. Pick an agency and discuss how that agency uses computers and why computers make their jobs easier. Some examples of government agencies that use technology frequently are the U.S. Census Bureau, IRS, Military, and Police.

Computers play a big role for police men because with computer they are able to store information about crimes. They also need to investigate so this helps them look up information rapidly, in contrast to going to a library to look information up.
The difference between analog and digital:

In analog technology, a wave is recorded or used in its original form. In digital technology, the analog wave is sampled at some interval, and then turned into numbers that are stored in the digital device.
 Random Access Memory (RAM) -

The most common computer memory which can be used by programs to perform necessary tasks while the computer is on; an integrated circuit memory chip allows information to be stored or accessed in any order and all storage locations are equally accessible

Read-Only Memory (ROM) -

Memory read at high speed but not capable of being changed by program instructions

World Wide Web –

An information system on the Internet that allows documents to be connected to other documents by hypertext links, enabling the user to search for information by moving from one document to another.

Data (computer) – 

(Data (computing)) In computer science, data is anything in a form suitable for use with a computer. Data is often distinguished from programs. A program is a set of instructions that detail a task for the computer to perform. In this sense, data is thus everything that is not program code.

Program -

A planned series of future events, items, or performances.

Hypertext –

A software system that links topics on the screen to related information and graphics, which are typically accessed by a point-and-click method.

Hardware – 

Tools, machinery, and other durable equipment.

Software – 

The programs and other operating information used by a computer.

Title (resource) – 

A source of supply or support : an available means —usually used in plural.

Creator (resource) –

Subject (resource) -

Publisher (resource) -

Contributor (webpage) –

To submit material for publication.

Format (resource) -

MP3 –

Means of compressing a sound sequence into a very small file, to enable digital storage and transmission.


Involves the use of information and communication technologies to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group, that is intended to harm others.

Database -

Alternatively referred to as a databank and sometimes abbreviated as DB, a database is a large quantity of information that can be searched, referenced, compared, changed or otherwise manipulated without a lot of work.

Desktop - 

When referring to an operating system or GUI, the Desktop is a system of organization of icons on a screen. The Microsoft Windows Desktop was first introduced with Microsoft Windows 95 and has been included with all versions of Windows since then. Below is a basic example of the Microsoft Windows desktop.


Short for electronic mail, e-mail or email is text messages that may contain files, images, or other attachments sent through a network to a specified individual or group of individuals. The first e-mail was sent by Ray Tomlinson in 1971. By 1996, more electronic mail was being sent than postal mail. Below is an example and breakdown of an Internet e-mail address.
 Home page - 

The home page is the name of the main page of a website where visitors can find hyperlinks to other pages in the site. By default, the home page on all web servers is index.html, however, can also be index.htm, index.php, or whatever the developer decides.
Keyword - 

it is a word or identifier that has a particular meaning to the programming language.


a secret word or phrase that must be used to gain admission to something.
Paste - 

To copy an object from a buffer (or clipboard) to a file

Search Engines-

a program for the retrieval of data from a database or network, esp. the Internet.
 URL Address -  
Uniform Resource Locator, the address of documents, pages and web sites located on the World Wide Web or on a local Intranet.

User name -
A user is a person who uses a computer or Internet service. A user may have a user account that identifies the user by a username (also user name), screen name (also screenname), or "handle", which is derived from the identical Citizen's Band radio term.

File format –

A file format is a particular way that information is encoded for storage in a computer file.


a person who uses computers to gain unauthorized access to data

Keyboard -
a panel of keys that operate a computer or typewriter.

Retrieve (document) -